Kamis, 06 Juni 2013

Nama : Pramita Prasetyaningrum Kelas : 4 EA17 NPM : 14209386 Tugas soft skill Inggris Bisnis 2

Nama          : Pramita Prasetyaningrum
Kelas          : 4 EA17
NPM           : 14209386
Tugas soft skill Inggris Bisnis 2

A. Question Tags (Pertanyaan Tegas)

Question Tags (Pertanyaan Tegas) adalah suatu pertanyaan  pendek di akhir kalimat pernyataan yang berfungsi untuk mempertegas pernyataan yang bersangkutan.

Fungsi Question Tags (Pertanyaan Penegas)

Pada umumnya Question Tags berfungsi untuk meminta penegasan dari pendengar tentang sesuatu yang belum begitu meyakinkan pembicara atau dapat dikatakan untuk meminta persetujuan dari pendengar atas pernyataan yang diucapakan. 

Contoh kalimat Question Tags :
1.  He is a teacher, isn’t he?
2. She is a flight attendant, isn't she? 
3. Sultan went to school by bike, is not it?
4. Mother go to Semarang, isn't she?
5. He's never been to Europe, does he? Rudi's here, is not it?
6.  You like milk, isn't it? 
7. She can not sing, is not it? 
8. Mahes a chef, right? It is a group winners lilies, is not it?
9. She has naver go to bali, does she?
10. I'am a secretary, aren't it?

B. Conditional Sentence (Kalimat Pengandaian) 

Conditional Sentence (Kalimat Pengandaian) dalam bahasa inggris selalu berbentuk kalimat majemuk (compound sentence), yaitu kalimat yang terdiri atas Main Clause (Induk Kaimat) dan Subordinate Clause (Anak Kalimat). Pada bentuk conditional sentence ini antara induk kalimat dengan amak kalimat dihubungkan dengan “ if (jika) ”.

Main clause (induk kalimat) adalah bagian dari kalimat majemuk yang dapat berdiri sendiri serta memiliki arti yang lengkap jika berpisah dari bagian yang lain dalam kalimat majemuk.

Sedangkan Subordinate Clause (anak kalimat) adalah bagian dari kalimat majemuk yang tidak dapat berdiri sendiri seandainya berpisah dari bagian yang lain dalam kalimat majemuk.

Contoh kalimat Conditional Sentence : 
1. If Santi were here now, he would help cook
2. I would come if the work has been completed
3. They will be too late if they do not leave now 
4. He will stay at the home of his aunt when she went to Aceh
5. If I was not breakfast, my concentration a little disturbed 
6. If they study hard they will pass the exam 
7. If this task has been completed I will be on vacation to bali
8. If I call her brother would soon pick me
9. If I had enough money, I would buy a new car.
10.  If Doni had studied hard, he would have graduated from SMP

C. Adjective & Adverb

Adjective (kata sifat) adalah kata yang digunakan untuk memberi sifat pada kata benda. Tiap kata sifat mempunyai kekuatan yang bersifat membatasi, dan kata sifat itu boleh diberikan definisi sebagai kata yang digunakan untuk mebatasi pemakaian kata benda.

Contoh kalimat Adjective : 
1. She  was a popular singer
2. I’ve got a new car
3.  This is a beautiful cat
4. She has three cute puppies.
5. I’m really happy today.
6. She’s got a new job so she help the family finances
7. You look wonderful
8. This pasta tastes delicious.
9. This is a beautiful flower
10. She’s an excellent dancer

Adverb (kata keterangan) merubah kata kerja, yakni kata keterangan menjelaskan bagaimana sesuatu dilakukan.

Contoh kalimat adverb : 
 1. Teachers teach it difficult to be simple
2. He works happily every day.
3. He learns quickly.
4. She plays the piano well.
5. She’s an incredibly talented girl.

D. So & Such 

Penggunaan So & Such

So ditempatkan setelah adjective (kata sifat), adverb (kata keterangan), atau noun phrase yang diawali dengan determiner many, much, few, dan little.

Such diikuti oleh singular noun dengan artikel a atau plural noun.

Contoh kalimat : 
1. I never knew you so many barbie collection 
2. The music was so good to hear
3.  They are so creative and active
4. They discussed such a hot issue
5. I want to share so many stories
6. They discussed such a hot issue.
7. The man carried such heavy suitcases.
8. The little girl was crying so loudly that the pedestrians stared at her.
9. She is so generous that the poors love her.
10. I want to share so many stories.

E. Yes-No Question

Yes-No question adalah pertanyaan yang membutuhkan jawaban yes (ya) atau no (tidak).

Contoh kalimat : 
1. Can’t he drive a car? 
2. Didn’t you see my smartphone?
3. Is she visiting Bandung?
4. Have they finished the homework?
5. Will my sister be cooking fried rice?
6. Has Tony been working all day long?
7. Does she go to library every night?
8. Are they student?
9. Andi should steal the money? whether 
10. He could accomplish that task?

F.  Little & a little 

 A Little
        Kata ini dipakai untuk benda yang tidak bisa dihitung, seperti gula (sugar), garam (salt), air (udara), money (uang), water (air), dll. Kata a little mempunyai makna positif, dengan kata lain makna positif ini berarti si pembicara merasa puas, merasa cukup atas benda yang mengikuti sesudah kata a little tersebut.
        Perlu diketahui bahwa a little dan little itu berbeda, walau dalam bahasa Indonesia kita terjemahkan dengan kata yang sama yaitu 'sedikit' akan tetapi mempunyai makna yang berbeda. Di atas telah dijelaskan bahwa a little mempunyai makna positif dan  little mempunyai makna negatif.

Contoh kalimat : 
1. I have a little orange juice.
2. father set up a littel bicycle to gift sister
3. There is a little milk in the refrigerator
4. I have a little sugar to your tea.
5. She drink little hot chocolate
6. You have a little flour.
7. You have a little water.
8. She buy little bag for coins
9. He need little air for balloon
10. I set up a little money to pay for transport

G. Few & a few

Few sama halnya dengan little, few mepunyai makna negatif.

A Few
Kata ini kebalikan dari a little, jika a little untuk benda yang tidak bisa dihitung, a few untuk benda yang bisa dihitung atau countable nouns. 

Contoh kalimat : 
1. I have a few oranges in the refrigerator
2. I have a few novels
3.I have few in the refrigerator”
4. She buy few bags 
5. Ratna has few cats 
6. Verrel has few some toys 
7. Ulfah has few options of shoes
8. Do you have a few bags?
9. You have a few piano
10. I only have a few snack

H. Because & because of
Because dan because of digunakan sebagai frasa alasan atau sebab. ada perbedaan di antara keduanya:
o   because adalah kata sambung, dan diikuti oleh 'subyek' beserta 'kata kerja'. perhatikan bahwa 'because' langsung diikuti 'he' sebagai subyek dan 'feels' sebagai kata kerja.
o   because of adalah kata depan, karenanya diikuti dengan kata/frasa benda atau kata kerja bentuk -ing.

Contoh kalimat : 
1. He sat down because he was tired
2. I'm late to school because I stay up all night
3. I have a good digestion because I like to consume fruits and vegetables
4. I've failed the test because I didn't study before
5. The camping is canceled because of the rain
6. I missed the flight because I was late
7. The house is smells stink because of the dead rat
8. We decided to stay at home because of the weather
9. He was absent from class because of his cold
10.  The World Trade Center fell down because it was attacked by terrorists

I.   Enough
Enough merupakan adverb of degree yang berarti “sampai batas yang dibutuhkan”.
Enough ditempatkan setelah adjective (kata sifat) atau adverb (kata keterangan).

Contoh kalimat : 
1. Mitha doesn't work hard enough
2. Do you train enough?
3. This mango is sweet enough to eat
4. The stamp is enough for us
5. Enough with the laziness
6. Do you put enough salt on the soup?
7. Sultan is old enough to sleep alone
8. That man is strong enough
9. Mahes reads enough
10. Ghani brings enough candy for everyone in class

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